Pug looking sad wrapped in a blanket

Why Dating Is Good for Your Health

Dating can be tough. Especially in today’s world where ghosting seems to have gone mainstream and we’re always on the lookout for our next rush of endorphins and instant gratification.

Going on dates is often nerve-racking, to say the least. It causes many of us to stress about the big things and the little things while dreaming up a million different, if slightly unrealistic, what-if scenarios. 

Dating faux pas, awkward silences and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time make you just wanna curl up in a blanket, never to be seen again. 

Don’t worry, you’re not alone – we’ve all been there. And although there are many factors that can make dating downright frustrating, there are also many upsides to it – even for your health!

So, to help you stay motivated on your journey to finding love, here are some positives to keep in mind.

Two skateboarders sitting on a low wall next two each other
  1. You Learn More About Yourself
    Dating allows you to test the waters and figure out where your boundaries lie, as well as what your likes and dislikes are. It also gives you the opportunity to explore and figure out what you want and need from a relationship.
  1. It’s A Great Confidence Boost
    Having a connection with someone, even if it’s not the love connection you’re looking for, can be a great confidence boost. It also means that you get to know new people, and while you may not want to date them, you never know if it could turn into a friendship. 
  2. You Gain New Experiences
    By going on dates you learn new things, improve your social skills and expand your comfort zone. Often you’ll also get to try different activities you may never have thought of or done before, such as bowling or mini-golf – the classic first-date options. 

    Going on dates can also be a great excuse to finally try out that neighbourhood cafe you’ve been eyeing up for months.

    And lastly, but certainly not least:

  3. You Improve Your Health
    If you’re the type of person who doesn’t shy away from getting hot and steamy when getting to know each other, you’ll be happy to know that studies have shown that having good sex is good for your health. Not only can sex improve your immune system, but it also relieves stress. What’s more, loving relationships can even lower your blood pressure and reduce pain.
Romantic setting of two people sitting at restaurant table, holding hands with two glasses of red wine and a candle

There’s no denying that dating can be a stressful affair, but it can also provide you with many exciting opportunities. 

Like with most things in life, the key to dating is finding the balance that works for you.

Learn more about building healthy relationships with your partner, friends and family by joining the Lovedoc waitlist. You’ll receive launch updates and a sneak peek at the app.

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